Fashion + Beauty + Hair

What Your Eyebrows Say About You
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What Your Eyebrows Say About You

The lowly eyebrow, so often neglected and yet they can make such a big statement. Have you ever thought about what your eyebrows are saying about you?

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15 Mar
Add Bangs for a Fresh Spring Look
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Add Bangs for a Fresh Spring Look

Adding bangs is a quick and easy haircut to freshen your look for spring. You can totally transform your look with just a few snips of the scissors. Bangs

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28 Feb
Get Beautifully Shiny Hair with Color Gloss
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Get Beautifully Shiny Hair with Color Gloss

If your hair is looking a little lackluster, you may be looking for a way to bring back the shine. While there are conditioning treatments and shine sprays

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15 Feb
Highlights Will Brighten Your Winter Complexion
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Highlights Will Brighten Your Winter Complexion

Winter is in full swing, and with the darker days and cold, dry air your complexion may be losing some of the brightness that was left over from the summer.

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30 Jan
Beautiful Hair for Winter Weddings
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Beautiful Hair for Winter Weddings

Winter weddings tend to be the least popular since people generally prefer spring and summer to tie the knot. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t

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14 Jan
PR at Partners Students Offer Great Services
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PR at Partners Students Offer Great Services

Maybe you’ve been wanting a new haircut, a professional stylist to do your hair for an event, a new color or perhaps highlights or balayage or even several

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30 Dec
Holiday Makeup Trends from PR at Partners
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Holiday Makeup Trends from PR at Partners

Many of us have parties and social events this time of year and maybe you want to do something a little special with your makeup rather than wear your

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14 Dec
Winter Hair Color Trends
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Winter Hair Color Trends

If you’re looking for a way to spice up your hair this winter but aren’t sure what to do check out this blog. We’ve listed some of the hottest winter

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29 Nov
Battle Winter Scalp with a Detox
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Battle Winter Scalp with a Detox

The temperature has dipped; it’s time for holiday shopping and family dinners to plan. Winter can bring many stresses; then you notice your scalp starts

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18 Nov
Why a Career in Cosmetology is a Great Option and What We Offer
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Why a Career in Cosmetology is a Great Option and What We Offer

Let’s face it, not everyone is cut out to sit behind a desk working a 9 to 5 job Monday through Friday. Some prefer more social interaction, to help

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09 Nov