Fashion + Beauty + Hair

Join the Exciting World of Cosmetology at PR Partners Academy
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Join the Exciting World of Cosmetology at PR Partners Academy

Last year was a challenging one for everyone. With all the closures and restrictions, we saw firsthand just how important the cosmetology field really

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14 Apr
Shine with a New Hair Color for Spring
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Shine with a New Hair Color for Spring

Now that the warm weather is making an appearance, it might be time for you to embrace a change. Why not make a statement with new, fresh hair color for

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31 Mar
Advantages to Relaxing Your Hair this Season
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Advantages to Relaxing Your Hair this Season

This spring, we are seeing more and more hairstyles trending towards leaving it natural and letting its natural texture shine through. However, naturally

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15 Mar
Rock a New Haircut in 2021
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Rock a New Haircut in 2021

I think we’re all ready for a little change after that year we just had! If we’ve learned anything, it’s that we need to stand up, be empowered,

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28 Feb
Healthy Men’s Hair with Regular Conditioning and PR Barbers
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Healthy Men’s Hair with Regular Conditioning and PR Barbers

Men often don’t give their hair the attention and care it needs. At PR Barbers, our barbers are trained in the latest barbering techniques, stay up-to-date

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15 Feb
Explore a Cosmetology Career with PR at Partners
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Explore a Cosmetology Career with PR at Partners

If this last year has taught us anything, it’s that life is too short and you need to do what you love. If you love helping people, interacting with

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30 Jan
5 Tips to Keep Winter From Wrecking Your Style
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5 Tips to Keep Winter From Wrecking Your Style

Winter’s shorter darker days make it easy to fall into a slump. Lack of sunshine and cabin fever give way to simply not caring much about one’s appearance

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15 Jan
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Are you yearning for change in 2021? With masks and Zoom, your best self-expression is your crowning glory - HAIR! Good hair makes you feel good, and feeling

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15 Jan
Holographic Hair- The Latest Trend in Hair Color
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Holographic Hair- The Latest Trend in Hair Color

Everyone needs a little fun in their lives. Sometimes it’s a fun new outfit. Sometimes it’s a great new eyeshadow or hair color. Fantasy hair colors,

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31 Dec
Which Highlight Technique Is Right for You
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Which Highlight Technique Is Right for You

When it comes to highlighting your hair there are many options to choose from. Ombre, balayage, foils, freehand- all the terms can be a bit confusing and

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14 Dec